3rd annual ‘Pey It Forward Fun Run’


pey it forward fun run, ocala news, peyton evans

pey it forwardfun run, peyton evans, ocala news, ocala events
Peyton Evans

The Pey It Forward Fun Run is held in honor of Peyton Nicole Evans.

On May 9th, 2014, Peyton had an undiagnosed brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM) — described as an abnormal tangle of blood vessels — in her brain that ruptured and caused her to become unconscious.

Almost instantly, upon learning of her condition, the community came together and performed countless acts of kindness with prayers, fundraisers, and emotional support. Unfortunately, on May 16, 2014, after having had brain surgery, Peyton succumbed to her condition.

Her family says that on the day of her death, Peyton’s decision to be an organ donor became a reality, and four lives were saved.

Shortly after, in Peyton’s honor, the Peyton Evans Foundation was born.

This year’s run will benefit two families who live in Ocala.

David Stromwall
David Stromwall

David Stromwall, 19, is a local Forest High School Baseball Alumni. On January 16th, 2017, on his way home from work, Stromwall was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. And although Stromwall was wearing his helmet, he suffered traumatic injuries and had to undergo several surgeries and medical procedures. Sadly, Stromwall passed away over the weekend. His funeral service is slated for Saturday, April 15, at Trinity Baptist Church, Ocala. The Stromwall family said they are extremely grateful for all of the prayers and support they have received from the community.

Faith Guynn, 24, was carjacked and shot on February 10th, 2017. She was left for dead in a deserted area. A Good Samaritan, who usually never traveled the deserted road, discovered Guynn. Guynn has a bullet lodged in between her shoulder and neck and currently has no feeling from the shoulders down. She has a team of doctors who work around the clock to help Guynn regain mobility, however, many of the treatments come with a risk of her remaining paralyzed. She has an extremely long road to recovery and will need help with her medical expenses and physical therapy. The Guynn family is also extremely grateful for all of the prayers and support they have received from the community.

Amy Whittemore, coordinator for the Pey It Forward Fun Run, says they can only achieve their goals with the assistance of generous donations from members of the community. Without these donations, Whittemore said serving those in the Ocala area would not be possible.

Whittemore is reaching out to individuals and local businesses to: (1) Sponsor obstacles (inflatable obstacle, or materials to build an obstacle) that will make the course fun and exciting for all who participate. Obstacle sponsors will have their name on the back of the shirt and a sign with their business near the obstacle, or (2) Offer a financial contribution.

There are three levels of sponsorship:

Silver Sponsor-$100.00

  • Name on the back of the shirt

Gold Sponsor-$250.00

  • Name on the back of the shirt
  • Small sign


  • Name on the back of the shirt
  • Banner
  • 2 shirts included

Contributions are tax deductible through New Life Family Church.

“We hope that you will help support our efforts,” said Whittemore.

The run will be held on May 6, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Family day will follow, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. New Life Family Church is located at 1700 NW 60th Ave., Ocala, 34482.

If you have any questions please feel free to call 352-804-0832.

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