[Last updated on August 11, 2016, at 11:30 p.m., to include the current booking photo for Corey Mills and a list of his previous charges. The arrest affidavit had Mills’ name spelled as Cory instead of Corey, therefore Mills’ previous charges were not displayed during the initial investigation by OP.]
Ocala, Florida — Eight people were arrested Tuesday after Ocala police responded to a call for service and discovered a meth lab.
Agents with the United Drug Enforcement Strike Team were notified after police responded to 2426 Northeast 14th Street (Blue Skies Estates trailer park), and discovered that the residence was being used to manufacture methamphetamine.
Upon arrival, police found Chevy Stanley, 22, Ward Walker, 53, Corey Mills, 26, Adam Burns, 29, Seth Davis, 24, Samantha Kimmins, 23, and Jennifer Evans, 38, inside the trailer cooking and smoking meth.
According to reports, several officers were exposed to the harmful gases created from the cooking process. The officers had to be evacuated and transported to a local hospital for treatment.
Once UDEST agents arrived, they entered and cleared the residence.
During the search, they found a man, later identified as David Brashears, 49, hiding in a back bedroom.
Agents also found uncapped needles, two active HCL generators, Gatorade bottles with meth residue, a bottle of meth oil (214 grams), one bottle of Drano crystals (sodium hydroxide), and three bottles of salt.
Stanley was charged with Trafficking in Methamphetamine, Violation of Probation, and Failure to Appear for Driving without a License.
Walker was charged with Trafficking in Methamphetamine. He has previous arrests for Possession of Cocaine, Violation of Probation, and Possession of a Narcotic without a Prescription (x3).
Mills was charged with Trafficking in Methamphetamine. He has previous arrests for Driving without a Valid License, Battery (x3), Burglary, Petit Theft, Violation of Probation, Possession of Marijuana, Contempt of Court, Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon, Felony Battery, and Domestic Battery by Strangulation.
Burns was charged with Trafficking in Methamphetamine. He has previous arrests for Petit Theft, Burglary, and Criminal Mischief.
Davis was charged with Trafficking in Methamphetamine. He has previous arrests for Criminal Mischief, Driving while License Revoked (x2), Domestic Kidnapping-False Imprisonment, Domestic Battery, Contempt of Court-Violation of a Domestic Violence Injunction, Retail Petit Theft (x2), False Name to a Law Enforcement Officer, Trespassing, Grand Theft Auto, and Violation of Probation.
Kimmins was charged with Trafficking in Methamphetamine and Violation of probation for Possession of Heroin. She had previous arrests for Battery, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Mischief, Possession of Heroin, and Failure to Appear.
Evans was charged with Trafficking in Methamphetamine. She has previous arrests for Domestic Aggravated Assault, and Domestic Battery.
Brashears was charged with Trafficking in Methamphetamine. He has previous arrests for Possession of Marijuana (x3), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (x4), Burglary, Organized Fraud, Grand Theft, Dealing in Stolen Property (x2), Violation of Probation (x4), Retail Petit Theft (x3), Trespassing, Failure to Appear, Resisting Arrest, Resisting a Merchant (x3), Felony Battery, Resisting Arrest with Violence, and Battery (x2).
As for the police officers, they are expected to make a full recovery.