The future is happening right in front of our eyes. The day of the old projector film rolls will be no more. Any drive-in that cannot afford to upgrade their systems will be stuck trying to pay the bills by playing reruns or face closing their doors.
Starting next year, new films will be released exclusively on digital film. All movie theaters must convert to digital film projectors, or they will be unable to offer the latest movies.
The Ocala Drive-In on Pine Street is just one of many across the United States that are hoping to win a contest being hosted by the motor car company “Honda”. The contest is called “Project Drive-in”, and it is scheduled to start in August of this year and voting will run to September. Everything hinges on this project and could most certainly be the difference between closing down or having a state or the art digital projection system that will keep the Ocala Drive-In thriving.
The estimated cost of a new up-to-date digital projection system installed would cost between $85,000-$100,000. Residents can see why this contest is such a big deal for drive-ins across the United States. However Marion County residents need to be concerned with one.
The contest will be held on-line by votes being cast. The more votes, the better the chance to win. Contest Begins August 9, 2013. Visit Project Drive In for official rules and remember to cast your vote for the Ocala Drive-In.
Residents will certainly play a part therefore community participation is an absolute must. While Ocala may have seen its share of businesses closing down, some parents that attended the drive in as a child, wish for their children to experience the same.
News is usually about the negative. For residents that call Ocala home, it’s about saving a piece of Ocala’s history.