Governor signed unconstitutional law aimed at President Trump and voters


newsom, donald trump, voting, the daily lash, california
Gov. Newsom [top left] by Kevin Sanders for California Globe,
and President Donald Trump. Ocala Post was front and center as Trump points into the crowd to recognize and honor a military veteran at a rally in Ocala, Florida. (Photo by Ocala Post)
California Gov. Gavin Newsom, in a communist and politically motivated move, violated his oath of office and signed an unconstitutional law (Senate Bill 27) to prevent President Donald Trump’s name from appearing on the 2020 ballot.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla endorsed the bill.

Lawyers say this is not only unconstitutional but should infuriate every voter in the United States.

According to the new law, anyone who would appear on California’s presidential primary ballot must disclose their federal income tax returns.

Former California Gov. Jerry Brown shot down this bill in 2017.

Brown stated, “Although tax returns are by law confidential, many presidential candidates have voluntarily released them. This bill is a response to President Trump’s refusal to release his returns during the last election. While I recognize the political attractiveness-even the merits-of getting President Trump’s tax returns, I worry about the political perils of individual states seeking to regulate presidential elections in this manner. First, it may not be constitutional. Second, it sets a ‘slippery slope’ precedent. Today we require tax returns, but what would be next? Five years of health records?”

Brown also refused to release his own tax returns when he was elected Governor.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders refused to release his tax returns to the public, citing it was none of their business. He later released his returns when he was criticized for being a hypocrite and bashing Trump for not releasing his.

Newsom, who refers to himself as the “resistance leader” against Trump, released his tax returns when he was elected.

Senator Brian Jones, said, “I get that playing the resistance card might be good politics for the majority party (Referring to Democrats), but I would submit that it’s bad policy for Californians.”

The law is not just bad for Californians, it is bad for every voter in the U.S. If the law stays, those same 4-million-plus voters in California who voted for Trump in the 2016 election would not be allowed to vote again. This would directly impact the entire election.

The GOP says that the Democrats will stop at nothing, no matter what the cost or what laws are broken, to secure the election.

On July 30, Judicial Watch filed a complaint in the Eastern District of California in Sacramento. On August 5, Judicial Watch announced it is seeking an injunction to stop the new law.

The injunction is being filed on behalf of several California voters who were less than thrilled about the law, and that is putting it nicely.

“The state of California’s attempt to circumvent the Constitution will be answered in court,” Trump’s attorney, Jay Sekulow, said.

Voters turned to social media and referred to Newsom as communist-socialist who is violating the U.S constitution for his own political agenda.

On August 6, María Guadalupe, wrote, “This is something Hitler would have done. I came to America legally and became a citizen I learned English and how to write English and I have the right to vote. I proudly voted for Mr. Trump. I earned the right to vote, I want to vote again. People on the left as you say call Trump racist. As a Mexican citizen of the United States, the only racism I see is spilling from the mouths of the women democrats I see on the television all the time and on Fb. They do nothing to help our communities. My family loves our president. I can only hope people will help this stop and I can vote.”

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said, “We have a general concern that is broader than the concern of a particular candidate, this is part of a pattern of government officials (Democrats) abusing their powers to harass President Trump.”

Legal experts say they do not believe the bill will hold up in court because it is, in fact, unconstitutional. They say the bill should be an embarrassment to Californians who support Trump and that, all voters should be outraged.

On social media, other groups say they want Newsom removed from office due to the fact he arrogantly abused his power and deliberately violated his oath as an elected official. Watch groups say they are surveying their course of action.

Californians have also accused Newsom of using Hispanic and black communities as political pawns.

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