Patients who are suffering after vaccine want to be heard, some doctors want questions answered



Facebook received more than 5 million in advertising fees from pharmaceutical companies, but this is what happens when a small company, doctor, media outlet, or individual goes against the grain.

Article continued below

ocala news, ocala post. facebook, vaccines

An example of how “fact-checkers” are misused

In the last video clip, Dominique De Silva, also known on social media as queencitydom, shared her story on social media. A GoFundMe page was then set up for her. After getting more than 10 million views, her page was hit with a “fact-checker” known as Logically,  a company used by many social media platforms. In an attempt to “debunk” Silva’s condition, Logically tagged her post as “partly false information.” In the details, without any expert testimony from Silva’s doctors or nurses, Logically stated, “Dominque’s symptoms occurred two weeks after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, and are therefore unrelated.” Logically then alerted GoFundMe. Now, GoFundMe says they are investigating.

Logically says they hit Silva with a “fact-check” because she has an underlying health condition known as Hashimoto’s disease and that it is believed her symptoms after getting the vaccine are just a coincidence.

Several nurses, one who goes by Erin, also shared Silva’s story online. The post on Erin’s Instagram account (erin_bsn2) has received more than 100k views and was also hit with a “fact-checker.”

In response to the “fact-checker”, the nurse wrote, “OPEN THE DIALOGUE, STOP the censorship, and QUIT gaslighting the victims of your liability-free poison. If there’s nothing to hide, then let’s talk about it.” She went on to write, “When is enough, enough? Mandating a medical procedure known to cause injury and death is the most unethical form of human punishment I can think of.”

The company Logically works for the same big tech companies who have received billions in advertising funds from the vaccine companies.

Instagram is also owned by Facebook.

Due to HIPAA regulations, Ocala Post was unable to get any detailed information on Silva’s case.

The vaccines

It is important to note that until Monday, August 23, 2021, none of the COVID-19 vaccines were FDA-approved. They were approved for emergency use, which is not the same as FDA-approved. According to the government, the vaccine was not even tested on animals before it was directly used as an experimental drug on humans.

According to the FDA, “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to permit the emergency use of the unapproved product, Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older.”

It should also be noted that in July of 2021, the CDC reported that 4,115 reported cases of fully vaccinated people had been hospitalized or were dying with Covid-19 coronavirus breakthrough infections. The CDC then announced they are no longer keeping track of those numbers.

“We are choosing instead to focus going forward just on those in which hospitalizations or deaths were involved,” said the CDC.

In reality, those reinfected with symptoms of “COVID-19” after being vaccinated are statistically much higher than being reported.

The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine (Janssen) label now includes a warning about a possible increased risk of a disorder known as Guillain-Barre syndrome. This comes after the J&J vaccine was also linked to severe blood clots early in the year.

Guillain-Barré syndrome damages nerve cells and can cause muscle weakness. In rare cases, it can cause paralysis.

On Monday, July 19, 2021, the FDA, going off of CDC reports, said that they have tracked 100 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome directly related to the vaccine. The report states that of those 100 cases being tracked, 95 of those people were hospitalized and 1 of them died.

What could be described as an attempt to play down the incidents, in a statement, J&J said, “The number of reports is only slightly higher than the number that would normally be expected.”

Guillain-Barré syndrome has also been linked to other vaccines, including certain seasonal flu vaccines and a vaccine to prevent shingles.

Side effects can take nearly two months to surface after getting a vaccine.


There’s no cure for Guillain-Barre syndrome. But two types of treatments can speed recovery and reduce the severity of the illness:

  • Plasma exchange (plasmapheresis). The liquid portion of part of your blood (plasma) is removed and separated from your blood cells. The blood cells are then put back into your body, which manufactures more plasma to make up for what was removed. Plasmapheresis may work by ridding plasma of certain antibodies that contribute to the immune system’s attack on the peripheral nerves.
  • Immunoglobulin therapy. Immunoglobulin containing healthy antibodies from blood donors is given through a vein (intravenously). High doses of immunoglobulin can block the damaging antibodies that may contribute to Guillain-Barre syndrome.

The FDA, said, “Those who have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine should contact a doctor if they develop weakness or tingling sensations, especially in the arms or legs, as well as a sudden problem, walking, speaking, chewing or swallowing.”

Overall, in the United States alone, from December 14, 2020, through July 13, 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) received 6,079 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

Since July 13, 2021, those numbers have increased, but the death toll among the vaccinated is not widely covered. Why? The answer is because most of the mainstream media outlets have financial ties to pharmaceutical companies. This includes big tech like Facebook and Google that have received billions in advertising revenue from the very companies who created the COVID vaccine.  Facebook alone received over five million in payments for advertising. Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have all engaged in deleting information, comments, and articles pertaining to COVID vaccines. On several occasions, Facebook has had to issue apologies when information was proven to be correct. The company Facebook uses for its “independent” fact-checking is actually operated by Facebook.

All of the companies refused to comment.

The vaccines have also generated billions in revenue for many stakeholders.

J&J has profited more than 100 million in the first quarter the COVID vaccine was released.

Many doctors who are against the vaccines say while the death toll numbers may seem small in comparison, they are not if you are the one who died from a vaccine. Particularly since thousands who have been vaccinated are still being hospitalized. Many healthcare professionals say it’s more like a FLU shot rather than a vaccine.

What health officials in other countries say

In March 2021, it was announced that the governments in Tanzania, Madagascar, Burundi, and Eritrea have refused to participate in receiving vaccines.

Tanzanian Health Minister Dorothy Gwajima said that the amount of pressure that she is receiving from the U.S government in regards to the vaccine concerns her.

Dr. Shadrack Mwaibambe, president of the Medical Association of Tanzania, said that while inoculation is unavoidable in his view, Tanzania should be cautious when selecting a vaccine.

“At this juncture of the outbreak, vaccination is inevitable, but … I think there is a need for due diligence to go through all these vaccines and to choose which one is suitable for Tanzania. The process has been rushed,” said Mwaibambe during a press conference.

He went on to say, “There is no deadline to say…after certain months, the U.S says the whole world must be vaccinated. First of all, we must ask ourselves why emergency approval of vaccines was given and not full approval? Emergency approval means there are some things they are not sure about. They are not sure about the safety and efficacy of vaccination in two years to come or in one year to come. It is common sense.”

Mwaibambe also expressed that he believes the U.S government is withholding information from its citizens. He said the vaccines are a false sense of security.

Some health organizations in other countries have stopped vaccines after reports of doctors, staff, and elderly patients dying after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

Initially, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) reported that they didn’t have any statistics on vaccines that had been administered. However, on July 14, 2021, the EMA finally released data on COVID-19 vaccinations.

The EMA is responsible for authorizing vaccines in the European Union (EU).

EMA issued safety updates and related deaths for the four authorized COVID-19 vaccines; Comirnaty, Spikevax; Vaxzevria, and COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen.

Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech) – A total of 206,668 cases of suspected side effects with Comirnaty were spontaneously reported to EudraVigilance from EU/EEA countries. And 3,848 of these reported a fatal outcome. As a result, about 276 million doses of Comirnaty were given to people in the EU/EEA.

Vaxzevria – (AstraZeneca) – A total of 152,250 cases of suspected side effects with Vaxzevria were spontaneously reported to EudraVigilance from EU/EEA countries. And 938 of these reported a fatal outcome. Around that time, about 58.4 million doses of Vaxzevria had been given to people in the EU/EEA.

SpikeVax (COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna) – A total of 36,294 cases of suspected side effects with Spikevax were spontaneously reported to EudraVigilance from EU/EEA countries. And 347 of these reported a fatal outcome. Around that time, about 35 million doses of Spikevax had been given to people in the EU/EEA.

COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen – A total of 12,036 suspected side effects with COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen were spontaneously reported to EudraVigilance from EU/EEA countries. And 68 of these reported a fatal outcome. Around that time, about 8.5 million doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen had been given to people in the EU/EE.

According to Robert Carlson, M.D., who serves on the Medical Advisory Board at Precision Vax LLC., all COVID-19 vaccines are 100 percent experimental.

The CDC, FDA, and the WHO, are carefully choosing what data they report to the media to be released to the public.

Even more disturbing, is when Ocala Post spoke to an Orlando, Florida, doctor in early August who said she, too, nearly died after getting the Moderna, NIAID vaccine.

“By the next day, I could hardly walk. I had a severe headache, I could barely breathe, and my motor functions and speech were seriously affected,” said the doctor.

The doctor said she then began seeing patients who were already vaccinated but “full-blown sick.” She said it was alarming so she began to keep track of the cases.

The doctor, said, “I saw over 100 patients in a 30 day period. I used the IgG/IgM Serology Antibody test to see if any of the patients had antibodies against COVID. All of the tests were negative. Not one patient, after receiving the vaccine, had any antibodies.”

The doctor went on to say, “This is a serious problem. The public is being misled. My colleagues and I were to blow the whistle on this, but if we do, the drug rep companies who supply us with free samples will cut us off. That would greatly affect my low-income patients. We are also concerned about government overreach. So, we decided to speak with the media as long as our practice does not make headlines.”

(At the bottom of this article there is a link Ocala Post published on a doctor who has spoken publicly about some of this information.)

After receiving this information, Ocala Post contacted, the WHO, CDC, NIH, The Florida Department of Health, J&J, Moderna, Pfizer Inc., Senator Rand Paul, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to inquire about this newly received information. Several emails were sent.

Ocala Post reached out to Senator Rand Paul to discuss documents that were discovered in May that suggest gain of function was achieved in the Wuhan Lab with the COVID virus. Gain of function means that scientists were able to find a way for the virus containing proteins from bats to be contracted by humans. During a public hearing, Senator Paul said the documents show that the NIH illegally funded the research. A claim Dr. Fauci denies. Paul’s office did not respond.

J&J, Moderna, Pfizer all refused to answer any questions, did not respond to emails, and left reporters on hold. Why would they answer questions? They have been given immunity for adverse reactions anyone sustains from the vaccine.

The WHO replied with a prepared statement, which reads as follows:

“Vaccines do not provide full (100%) protection. Even after taking all of the recommended doses and waiting for a few weeks for immunity to build up, there is a chance that someone could fall ill, especially if they do not follow other protective measures. However, even if people get infected, those who have been vaccinated are likely to have no symptoms or mild illness. For two-dose vaccines, the protection provided by vaccines is only partial after the first dose, and time is needed before protection reaches its maximum level after the second dose. People may still get infected, especially if they do not continue to take precautions after their first dose. For a one-dose vaccine, people only have maximum protection against COVID-19 a few weeks after getting vaccinated. Studies are ongoing to see if the new variants can affect vaccines, diagnostic tests and other tools but so far – from what is known – the vaccines continue to be effective. Vaccines are life-saving but on their own, they are not enough. We need to continue to ‘do it all’, especially when most people in society are not vaccinated and COVID-19 is widespread.”

DeSantis’ office responded with the following:

“Thanks for your inquiry. I agree that this is a serious issue and appreciate the opportunity to provide the perspective of the governor’s office. Governor DeSantis always makes data-driven decisions with the best information available to him at any given time. He has stated in public remarks, most recently yesterday in Orlando, that the vaccines have been working to prevent serious illness and death in many people – that’s why, despite the increase in cases this past month, we have not seen the same death rate especially among senior citizens (who are 86% vaccinated).

However, as you pointed out, vaccines do not work for everyone, particularly the immune compromised who may not respond the same way to the vaccine as other people do. Governor DeSantis has noted that new research indicates decreased effectiveness of certain COVID vaccines over time – potentially for everyone, not only the immune compromised. He has also mentioned the evidence that the vaccines do not prevent people from testing positive for COVID-19 and transmitting the virus to others.

What’s clear is that vaccinated people can get infected with COVID-19, as can unvaccinated people. Whether a patient is vaccinated or not, if they have any comorbidities that put them at higher risk for COVID-19, they are encouraged to get early treatment – monoclonal antibody treatment (Regeneron) is free of charge to patients, available to vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, and accessible all over Florida. Governor DeSantis is focused on expanding access to this proven treatment to decrease the risk of hospitalization, help people recover faster, and save lives.

It’s sad to hear that doctors ‘are scared to come forward out of fear of ridicule and government overreach.’ This silencing of different perspectives is anti-science, and Governor DeSantis has always made a point of seeking out advice from experts with perspectives that challenge the dominant narrative. Scientists and medical professionals everywhere should be able to share their research findings and observations without fear of retaliation.”

Additionally, Ocala Post did not receive a response from the CDC.

Let’s look at the facts

Three different vaccines, from three different companies, all with different ingredients. Yet, all three companies claim the vaccine works. And now, a booster shot is being offered.

All three companies combined have made well over 5 billion on the vaccines in the first quarter of the vaccines being made available to the public.

After patients have been poked with one of three vaccines, there have been dozens upon dozens of cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), Bell’s Palsy, blood clots, uncontrollable headaches, loss of memory (brain fog), just to name a few.

The CDC has told the public the cases are “rare.”

“Rare is winning the lottery,” the Orlando doctor said. She went on to say, “Rare is not seeing more than one patient with the exact symptoms in the same town.”

She said almost all patients who are dying have been diagnosed with pneumonia and that, some types of pneumonia are extremely contagious and spread from person to person.

“Particularly pneumonia caused by bacteria or viruses can be contagious when the disease-carrying organisms are breathed into your lungs,” she said.

The doctor said to put this into perspective, there are many viruses that can cause pneumonia, and viruses can pass from person to person easily. For example, she said the influenza virus can survive on surfaces, making it even more contagious.

Bacterial pneumonia can spread from person to person as well.

Fungal pneumonia passes from the environment to a person, but it’s not contagious from person to person.

The doctor said she is not saying that “COVID” has not caused sickness, but says many variables have not been told to the public in regards to the vaccines.

“I feel like it is all about money and politics,” she said. Adding, “I mean, these companies are profiting off this COVID vaccine as much as they do chemo. They are giving the ‘vaccine’ to the public for free to supposedly save people, but if they really wanted to save someone, give out cancer meds at no charge.”

She said, “Questions need to be asked and real answers need to be given.”

To this day, the CDC, and Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, who also refused to comment, contend that the vaccine, despite all the deaths and neurological disorders patients have developed, is completely safe. Fauci’s salary has also significantly increased since COVID started.

Trusting pharmaceutical giants with a history of deception

In 2009, Pfizer and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. had to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products. Pharmacia & Upjohn Company plead guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for misbranding Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead the public and government officials. A civil settlement also resolved allegations that Pfizer paid kickbacks to health care providers to entice them to prescribe these, as well as other, drugs. The federal share of the civil settlement is $668,514,830 and the state Medicaid share of the civil settlement is $331,485,170. It was the largest civil fraud settlement in history against a pharmaceutical company. (Note: Facebook at one point in time labeled these claims as false and misleading, however, they are 100 percent accurate.) This is just one of many suits against the pharmaceutical giant of the years.

Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson marketed its talcum-based powder products specifically to Black women in black neighborhoods despite evidence showing the products caused cancer. In fact, an internal memo showed that J&J knew for decades that its powder contained cancer-causing agents such as asbestos. The company had to pay 2.2 billion in damages. J&J arrogantly appealed the case in June of 2021 but lost. In March of 2019, J & J and co-maker Bayer agreed to pay $775m to settle about 25,000 lawsuits over claims it failed to warn customers that its blood-thinner Xarelto increased the risk of internal bleeding. This is just one of many suits against the pharmaceutical giant over the years. During the trials, when asked why they used talcum powder instead of the alternatives, they said: “because it was cheaper.”

Pandemic VS Endemic

In a press conference last week, former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, said, “This is going to become more of an endemic illness where you see sort of a persistent infection through the winter, but not at the levels that we’re experiencing certainly right now.”

Endemic means COVID will be regularly found among people.

Gottlieb followed his comment with “Booster shots will play a role in getting the US to that phase.” Turns out that Gottliebcurrent is not only a former FDA Commissioner but also currently a Pfizer board member.

At what point does the public begin to ask serious questions? After all, all three companies that have created the vaccine have not only earned billions but have been given immunity for any and all adverse reactions.

Dr. Dan Stock, a family doctor, spoke at a recent board meeting on the issue and his speech went viral. It has gained the attention of not only the CDC but other school board leaders as well. (Video link)

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