Dunnellon couple terrorize & kidnap woman; 911 call from trunk saved her life


dunnellon kidnapping
Deaton (Left) Kuttner (Right)

Dunnellon, Florida –A situation that seemed like a scene taken right out of the movie ‘THE CALL,’ had a woman fearing for her life this past weekend.

On Sunday, May 11, 2014, deputies made contact with Lynn Humphress, 20, whom stated that on Saturday, May 10,2014, at approximately 12:43 p.m. she began texting Haley Kuttner, 20, and Silas Paul Deaton, 21. During the text conversation, Kuttner advised Humphress that Deaton needed a ride and offered to pay for Humphress gas with cash or “Bud.”

Humphress told detectives that during several more texts, Kuttner offered up several other different types of narcotics for sale in an attempt to get a ride.

According to reports, at approximately 12:26 a.m. on May 11, 2014, Humphress drove to meet Kuttner and Deaton. Upon arriving at their residence, Humphress stated that Kuttner and Deaton got into her vehicle and instructed her to drive down a dirt road. Humphress told investigators that while she was driving down the dirt road, Deaton told her to pull over so he could roll a “joint.”

Humphress told investigators that Kuttner told her to turn off the lights so they would not be seen. Humphress stated that Kuttner, whom was in the passenger front seat, then reached into her purse, pulled out an unknown object then handed it to Deaton, whom was seated in the back seat.

According to investigators, Deaton then grabbed Humphress from behind and began choking her to the point that Humphress nearly blacked out.

Humphress then asked, “Why are you doing this?” Deaton replied, “You know why.” Deaton accused Humphress of stealing $50.00, marijuana and prescription pills from [their] residence days earlier. Humphress stated that she told Deaton that she didn’t steal anything, according to reports.

Deaton then put a knife to Humphress’ throat, cutting her, as Kuttner reached into her purse and pulled out some rope and began tying Humphress’ arms.

At that time Kuttner turned to Deaton and asked, “Are we really going to do this?” Deaton replied, “Yes.”

Deaton then ordered Humphress to get out of the vehicle or he would kill her, according to investigators. Humphress told investigators that she then exited the vehicle, at which time Deaton robbed her and threw her into the trunk. Kuttner and Deaton returned to the vehicle and drove off with Humphress inside the trunk.

While in the trunk, Humphress called 911 from her cell phone, in hopes she could give her GPS coordinates to the dispatcher. Approximately 24 extremely intense minutes had passed when deputies spotted the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop. Humphress informed the 911 operator that she thought the cops had stopped the vehicle, and when she was certain, Humphress pulled the emergency release cable and freed herself from the trunk.

During the 911 call, the dispatcher kept calm and diligently relayed information to the deputies that was being passed from Humphress.

[WARNING: The 911 call may disturbing to some]


Kuttner was driving the vehicle.

Detectives said that during an interview with Kuttner she told multiple lies and could not keep her story straight. However, she did admit to removing rope from her purse in order to tie Humphress’ arms.

Deaton told investigators the entire incident was his idea but refused to cooperate any further.

The belief is that Kuttner and Deaton planned to drive Humphress out to the Forest and kill her.

Kuttner is charged with Kidnapping /Inflicting Bodily Harm or Terrorize, Carjacking with a Weapon, Possession of Marijuana and Knowingly Driving While License Suspended.

Deaton is charged with Kidnapping /Inflicting Bodily Harm or Terrorize, Carjacking with a Weapon, Possession of Marijuana and Carrying a Concealed Weapon.

Deaton has previously been arrested and charged with Criminal Mischief, Battery, Assault with Intent to Commit a Felony, Resisting Arrest and has multiple Violation of Probation charges.

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