Facebook Sex & Drugs Gets Florida Teacher Arrested


Stevie Glasspool Florida Ocala Post
Stevie Glasspool [Mugshot]
A Florida teacher has been arrested for inappropriate behavior. This coming only four days after the school year started.

Stevie Glasspool, 31, of Boca Raton, Florida solicited sex from teen students enrolled at her former place of employment, Mavericks Charter High School in Pompano Beach from which she was fired in May of 2013 for unknown reasons. She most recently worked at Hollywood Academy of Arts & Science for the current school year.




Police said Glasspool invited four teens ranging in ages from 15 to 17, to a sleepover at her Boca Raton home. Glasspool apparently promised the teens marijuana if they would participate in the sleepover.

Her promise of marijuana for a sleepover was just a ruse to lure the teens to her home for sex.

Her Facebook page read, “I don’t want you to fall in love with me but I also don’t want you to hit it and quit it either.” In another message she said, “your body is amazing, I have marijuana for us to smoke, and you will be graded on performance.”

Glasspool was a fanatic about social media. She was a regular on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and many others including the popular teen hang out Instagram.

Glasspool was engaged to be married, however her ex-fiancé who does not want to be indentified called it off and has not spoken to her in a year.

It appears that Glasspool may have been lonely due to the breakup, sparking the urge to solicit sex from the teens.

Authorities were alerted after one of the 17-year-old teens told his parents about the messages from Glasspool.

Other students are shocked citing she was an inspiration and they may not have graduated without her.

Glasspool was arrested on August 22, 2013 by the Broward County sheriff’s Office. Glasspool has been charged with soliciting a child for unlawful sexual conduct using computer services or devices and being held on a $25,000 bond.

Glasspool does not have a criminal record nor has she ever been accused of having sex with a minor but detectives believe there could be more victims. Anyone with information on this case is asked to contact BSO Detective Ann Suter at 954-321-4689 or Broward Crime Stoppers, anonymously, at 954-493- 8477.


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