A case of the giggles: Two women laugh all the way to jail


Walmart thieves, ocala news, marion county, dumb criminals
Cassandra Brown [left] and Stephanie Brown

Ocala, Florida — Two females literally laughed their way to jail yesterday after they were caught stealing merchandise from a Walmart, located at 2600 S.W. 19th Avenue Road, Ocala.

Cassandra Brown, 22, and Stephanie Brown, 23, were seen removing merchandise off shelves and placing it into empty Walmart bags. The duo then selected two purses from the store and began filling them with stolen merchandise.

The two were stopped after they attempted to exit the store without paying for the items.

According to reports, both women were laughing and smiling in the backseat of the patrol car, while being transported to the Marion County Jail. Cassandra told the officer, “We are laughing because we stole and got in trouble, and laugh about it is all we can do.”

Both were charged with Retail Grand Theft (F). Cassandra was arrested in August for Leaving the scene of an Accident Involving Property Damage. Stephanie was arrested in June for Driving on a Suspended License.

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