Ocala Post, a subsidiary of Jaguar Media Holdings, LLC., is a free online newspaper serving Ocala, Marion County, and surrounding areas.
Ocala Post’s goal is to always bring truth to the news by not leaving out facts or details from official reports, key elements of interviews, or statements received during those interviews. Unlike some of the local copycat news sites, Ocala Post is not a mouthpiece for any local government agency. This paper will bring the news as it should be; clear, precise, and uncut.
One of the most important rules in the journalism code of ethics is to ALWAYS be a voice for the people against a corrupt government when they cannot be a voice for themselves.
Ocala Post takes the time to properly research topics important to the public. Additionally, Ocala Post conducts additional research on all official reports. This is how a newspaper that really seeks the truth discovers falsified reports.
We also protect the identities of individuals who do not wish to be named.
Ocala Post continually follows up on the many tips received from readers.
We are only human! If at any time you find information to be incorrect in an article or would like to suggest an edit such as a misspelling, you are welcome to do so using the proper forms.
Ocala Post’s readership is constantly growing, therefore we strive to improve our content and website features on a daily basis.
Ocala Post reaches more than 100,000 readers per week.
In 2016, Ocala Post received recognition from Google for achieving 10 million page views within a six month period.
Ocala Post owes it’s growth to you, the readers!
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