Another local favorite temporarily shut down following complaint


Ocala — Brick City Southern Kitchen & Whiskey Bar, located at 10 South Magnolia Avenue, was immediately shut down after an emergency order was issued on August 20, following a complaint inspection. The restaurant was allowed to reopen within 24-hours but will need a follow-up inspection after a time extension was given.

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation cites violations of Florida’s sanitation and safety laws, which are based on the standards of U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code. High Priority violations are those which could contribute directly to a food-borne illness or injury and include items such as cooking, reheating, cooling and hand-washing.

Many of the offenses were repeat violations.


  • A build-up of food debris, dust or dirt on nonfood-contact surface. Exterior of reach in drawer units near gaskets on cookline. The exterior of ice machine near a fountain machine.
  • Building components, attachments or fixtures in poor repair. A build-up of soil/debris on the floor under all reach-in units at the bar area and under reach in ice cream freezer. A build-up of dust on a wall in ware wash area. A build-up of dust on air vents throughout the kitchen. Also, the floor in disrepair throughout kitchen causing divots to retain standing water, throughout the kitchen. Also, the wall in smoker room has several holes due to screens missing, the ceiling in front of walk-in cooler is in disrepair and has a hole and light shield missing in the ware wash area.
  • Dead roaches on-premises. In the kitchen under prep table containing soup: One dead roach in a bin containing single service containers in a plastic pan. One dead roach near the door of Ice cream freezer in server pass thru. Five dead roaches on the floor under flour bin and reach in ice cream freezer in server pass thru.
  • Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried – wet nesting. Several pans on clean dish shelf.
  • Old labels stuck to food containers after cleaning. On several pans in clean dish area.
  • Live, small flying insects in the kitchen, food preparation area, or food storage area. Six live flys throughout the kitchen area.
  • Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food identified in the written procedure as a food held using time as a public health control has no time marking. Onions on cook line from 11:00 with no time mark. Added.
  • Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Eight rodent droppings on a table containing towels, disposable gloves, plastic wrap and pan next to the smoker in the back room containing smoker.
  • Accumulation of food debris/grease and/or mold-like substance on food-contact surface. Interior of reach-in freezer in prep area has food debris. Interior of the ice machine in kitchen has mold-like substance.
  • Commercially processed ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food opened and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening. Hot dogs in reach-in cooler have no date mark. Date was added from pan in walk-in cooler.
  • No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Sink in bar area. Placed towels near sink.
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