Bars must immediately cease alcohol sales


alcohol florida, ocala news, ocala post

Shortly after Florida reported nearly 9,000 new COVID-19 cases in a single day, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation ordered all bars to cease alcohol sales.

Effective immediately, the DBPR is suspending the on-premises consumption of alcohol at bars in Florida.

As stated in this order, all vendors licensed to sell alcoholic beverages who derive more than 50 percent of their gross revenue from alcohol sales must cease alcohol sales for consumption on the premises.

Vendors may continue off-premises sales in sealed containers as long as they are in accordance with EO 20-71 sections 1 and 2.

Vendors that are considered restaurants under Chapter 509, Florida Statute, may continue to operate for on-premises consumption of food and beverages at this time as long as they derive 50 percent or less of gross revenue from alcoholic beverages.

The DBPR is asking anyone who sees a bar serving alcohol to report them.

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