BBQ restaurant was shut down following health inspection


Fat Boys’ Bar-B-Q Restaurant, located at 4132 NE Silver Springs Blvd
Ocala, was immediately shut down after an emergency order was issued on October 8, following a routine inspection. The restaurant was reinspected and allowed to reopen on October 9 but will need a follow-up inspection after a time extension was given.

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation cites violations of Florida’s sanitation and safety laws, which are based on the standards of U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code. High Priority violations are those which could contribute directly to a food-borne illness or injury and include items such as cooking, reheating, cooling and hand-washing.

Many of the offenses were repeat violations. This is the second time this year that the restaurant has been temporarily shut down.


  • Dead roaches on-premises. Four dead roaches on a shelf under cooking equipment on cookline.
  • Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. In reach-in cooler, tomatoes from 10/6 46°. Stop sale issued.
  • Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. 22 live roaches in wood shelves under cooking equipment on cookline.
  • Roach excrement and/or droppings present. In several areas in wooden shelving under cooking equipment on cookline.
  • Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. Tomatoes 46° in reach-in cooler.
  • Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food left at room temperature to cool. Two pans of ribs and one pan of chicken. All moved to walk-in cooler.
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