Belleview mom arrested for DUI; 10-month-old in back seat


DUI, mohter, child in car, ocala news,
Lindsay Taylor [Mugshot]
Belleview, Florida — Authorities said the mother of a 10-month-old infant put her child in serious danger after she drove drunk while the infant was in the back seat.

Lindsay Rose Helen Taylor, 22, of Belleview, was pulled over on County Road 484 by a deputy when he noticed the vehicle weaving and following other traffic too closely. The vehicle’s tail lights were also not working properly.

According to reports, the deputy could smell the strong odor of alcohol once he approached the vehicle, and reported that Taylor’s speech was noticeably slurred. At first, Taylor denied drinking, but later stated that she had only consumed one beer.

Taylor’s passenger was also intoxicated and doesn’t possess a valid drivers license. The SUV Taylor was driving belonged to the passenger.

Taylor, who was reportedly smug about the situation, failed her sobriety tests and was arrested.

She was charged with DUI with Person Under 18 in Vehicle. Her blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit.

The baby was placed in the custody of Taylor’s step-father.

Taylor bonded out of jail a few hours after she was arrested.

A search of the vehicle turned up a bottle of gin that was almost empty.

Sources said Taylor has two other children that are no longer in her custody.

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