Black Friday Flyers 2013



BlackFridayAttention holiday shoppers, there is an ad leak in isle four.

Every year thousands of shoppers plan their “attack” for Black Friday shopping, some even taking it to the extreme and mapping out the store prior to arriving. It is the thrill and excitement of the hunt as one person described it to Ocala Post.

However Black Friday is not always fun and games as it brings out the true colors in some. As the interest in Black Friday grows larger so do the crowds, and with crowds come frustration which can quickly spiral into arguments between shoppers. People have been trampled, punched, and some have even had guns pulled on them. Deputies responded to a near riot at an Ocala Wal-Mart in 2011 after the store sold out of the Xbox Kinect Bundle. That same year a man in New Jersey was stabbed to death with a housewares kitchen knife over the last Xbox 360.

Black Friday can be a positive experience and Ocala Post wants residents to save money but also be safe this holiday shopping season.

We want to hear from you. Do you have a positive or frightening Black Friday shopping experience you want to share?

We have included Black Friday Flyer links below.

Walmart Black Friday 2013

Best Buy Black Friday Flyer

Target Black Friday Flyer

Macys Black Friday 2013 Part 1

Macys Black Friday 2013 Part 2

Kohls Black Friday 2013

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