Blessed Trinity Catholic Church usher arrested





Ocala, Florida —  A Blessed Trinity Catholic Church usher was arrested after he was caught on surveillance video stealing money from the collection plate.

On November 3, the church directly contacted the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in regards to an usher they believed was stealing money.

Investigators met with the reportee, whose identity MCSO concealed from the police report, and Father Pat to discuss the suspicious activity.

During the meeting, Father Pat told detectives that the suspect, Mario Condis, 60, had been attending more than one mass within the same day and they do not typically have parishioners who “are that Holy.”

Between the dates of October 18 and November 1, surveillance cameras were utilized to capture Condis’ actions.

On November 8, investigators utilized the same cameras and witnessed Condis stealing money from the collection plates. Deputies then confronted him.

Initially, Condis told deputies that the $349.05 found in his possession was his. He later stated that it belonged to the church and he had planned to put the money in the main collection basket at the altar.

Condis was arrested and charged with Grand Theft and Petit Theft (x3).

He was released on $3,500 bond.

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