Chief of police was previously investigated for sex scandal, mayor stands by Graham


Ocala, Florida — During a press conference Monday, Ocala Mayor Kent Guinn displayed favoritism toward Ocala Police Chief Kenneth Gregory Graham, who has been accused of Sexual Harassment, Hostile Treatment, Retaliation, and Discrimination.

The complaint was filed on September 15, 2016.

Mayor Guinn also seemed to display arrogance toward the media as they asked legitimate questions about why Chief Graham had not been placed on administrative leave at the start of the investigation

Mayor Guinn, who is close personal friends with Chief Graham, said, “I stand by Chief Graham, I trust him.”

The mayor fell short of placing the blame on the three individuals who filed the Grievance against the Chief.

Mayor Guinn said, “I think the morale [of the police department] has been hurt by the actions of these individuals.”

“The Chief has been attacked, the Chief is well respected in this community and in this police department. People love him.”


The recent allegations of sexual harassment, as well as being accused of having a sexual affair, is not the first time Chief Graham has been investigated.

In 2001, it was determined that then Sgt. Greg Graham, who was married at the time, had a sexual relationship with a Marion County sheriff’s deputy.

At that time, Graham stated that he regretted the incident, and that he and his family had moved on.

Now, 15 years later, Graham is involved in another sex scandal.

In 2003, Graham was investigated after he falsified his cell phone reimbursement forms. He falsified the reports to avoid paying the city for his personal use of the department-issued phone.

The investigator on that particular case was seeking felony charges against Graham, and even though the evidence was damning, he was never charged.

When asked if Chief Graham had ever had issues like this in the past, Mayor Guinn replied, “Never.”


The attorney who file the most recent complaint, Attorney Bobi J. Frank, said that she wants the Florida Department of Law Enforcement involved in the current investigation. She feels that having the FDLE involved will be the only way to have a fair, objective investigation.

Frank said it defies all logic that the mayor has refused to remove Chief Graham from his position while the investigation is ongoing.

“The mayor was about as transparent as you are ever going to see as it related to his motives…this has been going on for decades,” Frank said. She went on to say, “It’s disgusting what’s going on here. The mayor is worried about Chief Graham’s feelings.”

Frank said, “The mayor has already told the community that he stands with the chief, it does not matter how this investigation comes out.” She added, The mayor has made it clear that he does not stand with the victims.”

Sources say that photographical evidence was admitted into this case on Monday.

Frank says that the three officers have provided irrefutable evidence of Sexual Harassment, Hostile Treatment, Retaliation, and Discrimination.

In addition to the aforementioned accusations, the report also states that phone records prove that Chief Graham has engaged in inappropriate conduct with female officers, namely Sgt. Casey Eades.

The complaint states, “It is a commonly held belief, for various reasons, that Chief Graham is engaging in sexual relations with his subordinate officer, Sgt. Casey Eades.”

As for Chief Graham, he will remain on active duty while the allegations are investigated.

In an e-mail to Ocala Post, Chief Graham wrote, “I deny the allegations. My position and defense will be presented by my attorney.”

Many people have turned to social media and have accused the mayor of operating the OPD by the “Good Ole Boy” mentality.

Frank says it is time for the citizens of Ocala to demand that the corruption within the agency stop. She said that citizens should take their community back and urged citizens to contact the governor’s office to demand justice.

Formal Grievance filed against Police Chief Graham, accused of sexual harassment by female officers, multiple other complaints listed

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