A Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office deputy was arrested Saturday after he beat a handcuffed teenager who was sitting in the back of his patrol car.
Deputy Timothy James said he struck 17-year-old Elias Campos because [he] spit on him. It was later determined that James lost his temper because the boy did not have his social security number memorized.
According to reports, another deputy had to pull James off the boy.
Campos had to be transported to a hospital for medical treatment.
James was charged with Battery and booked into the Duval County jail.
The JSO said that Campos was allegedly wanted for a burglary out of Orlando. Campos does not have any previous arrests.
Deputy James was also arrested in April after he was caught on camera tackling and then striking a man at a hospital, who again, James claimed had spit on him. However, the State Attorney’s Office said that in the video it was James who actually spit on the 21-year-old. A deputy at the scene who defended James’ actions turned out to be James’ wife, who also works for the JSO.
Witnesses at the scene said that James was “clearly trying to provoke a response out the man”.
Since the last incident, fellow officers have come forward and described James as “very aggressive”. Some have suggested steroid use by the stout deputy.
In May, James was investigated after he struck and killed a pedestrian on University Boulevard while responding to a burglary.
James told investigators that the man “jumped” in front of his car while “running code”. Investigators never filed charges against James. Instead, they ruled 62-year-old Blane Land’s death “suicide by cop”. Land’s family says no way. They are still looking for answers.
Since Mike Williams became the sheriff in July 2015, more than 30 officers have been suspended and 50 more have resigned. James is the 18th law enforcement officer to be arrested in Jacksonville.
Sheriff Williams, along with Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood, and Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey are just a few sheriffs who have spoken out against police corruption. All of the aforementioned sheriffs have been widely praised for their transparency when it comes to officers who have been arrested. They also believe that body cameras should be mandatory in the state.
As for James, he has been stripped of his arrest powers while he is under investigation by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office.