CSX to close several railroad crossings


Auburndale, Lakeland Area, polk county, railroad closing, train tracks closed,

CSX Transportation has scheduled repairs this week for railroad crossings that intersect several Polk County roads. Work at some crossings has already started.

Motorists can expect closures along the following roadways:

  • Old Dixie Hwy.
  • Fish Hatchery Road
  • Reynolds Road
  • Payne Street
  • N. Canal Avenue
  • Fairway Avenue
  • Eastside Drive
  • Canal Road

All closures are between County Road 542 (Eat Main Street or K-Ville Avenue) and U.S. Highway 92. Depending on the proximity and type of maintenance, some closures may be coordinated to occur at the same time, while others may be staggered.

Traffic will be detoured around closures. Motorists can expect delays and should add time to their trips through these areas. Work is expected to last another week or so, but schedules are subject to change.

For additional information, contact CSX at 1-800-232-0144.

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