Dr. Lilly Geyer had previously insisted that her daughter needed four root canals.
Prior to the root canals being done, Dr. Geyer administered a high dose of Demerol to Finley, along with another sedative. A “Kiddie Cocktail,” something Ocala, Florida residents are all too familiar with. Twenty-six minutes after Dr. Geyer administered the sedative, Finley went into cardiac arrest. According to reports, Finely did not receive CPR immediately.
According to medical records that were obtained, Dr. Geyer and his staff did not take proper notes during the incident, barely making mention of what actually happened. Records also indicate that the staff was not prepared for this type of situation. Staff had to run down the hallway of the dentistry and ask for help during the incident.
According to The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, a Child’s vitals must be monitored very closely — in five minute intervals.
Finley, who went home on Hospice, remained brain dead until her tragic passing on January 3, 2014, at 8:47 p.m. According to Hospice, the family did not leave Finley’s side for a moment.
A Pray for Finley Facebook group was set up for friends and family and expresses gratitude for the support from the community.
The Boyle family is now suing Dr. Geyer.
Unlike Florida, Hawaii officials say they will not tolerate this type of behavior by a licensed professional. “This could have easily been avoided,” said one investigator.
Later reports indicated that the dental work attempted to be performed on Finley was not necessary.
Dr. Geyer could face criminal charges; however, charges have not been filed at this time as the investigation is ongoing.