Dumb criminals: Man told deputy he was working undercover


ocala news, dui, impersonating police officer,
Peter Martin [Mugshots]
Ocala, Florida — An Ocala man faces charges for DUI and Unlawful use of Police Badge Insignia after he was pulled over for weaving.

According to reports, Marion County Sheriff’s deputy, Gary Miller, saw a blue Dodge truck traveling northbound on 36th Avenue when it crossed over the fog line several times. As the deputy followed the truck, he also witnessed [it] roll through a stop sign at NE 25th Avenue.

Deputy Miller then initiated a traffic stop and made contact with the driver, Peter Martin, 59.

Deputy Miller reported he could smell a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the vehicle, and that Martin’s eyes were bloodshot and watery.

When Deputy Miller asked Martin how much he had to drink he showed the deputy a sheriff’s office pin. Martin stated, “I am working undercover right now.” Deputy Miller replied, “I do not recognize you.”

According to reports, Martin then changed his story. Martin told the deputy that he didn’t work for the sheriff’s office, but insisted he was looking for someone. Martin said, “If I find him, I will turn him in.”

Deputy Miller again asked Martin how much he had to drink, to which he replied, “My last drink was 15 minutes ago.”

Martin failed all roadside sobriety tests and refused to participate in a breathalyzer test.

He was transported to the Marion County Jail and later released on $14,000 bond.

Martin has previous arrests for DUI, Driving while License Suspended, and Resisting Arrest.

The pin that Martin had in his possession is typically given to those that complete the Marion County Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.

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