Elin Peterson DUI Five Times The Legal Limit


Elin Marie Peterson, ocala
Elin Marie Peterson [Mugshot]
Ocala, Florida — On Tuesday, September 18, 2013, Marion County Sheriff Deputy Elizabeth Hart, responded to a call of a possible drunk driver around the 7000 block of East Highway 40.

When Deputy Hart arrived on scene she observed a white Toyota facing eastbound on the south side of E Hwy 40, with the driver of the vehicle, Elin Marie Peterson, 33, still behind the wheel with the keys in the ignition, according to an arrest affidavit.


The witness, who reported Peterson, was still at the location and told the deputy that she observed the vehicle go off the roadway, striking the bushes. When she (The Witness) tried to get Peterson out of the car, she refused.

When the deputy asked Peterson what happened, she replied that she is “considered an alcoholic” and that was how she went off the road. She also told the deputy that she had drank four cans of beer that contained eight percent alcohol.

According to reports, Peterson initially refused to perform a field sobriety test unless she was able to speak to her boyfriend, however after being informed that she was under investigation for suspicion of DUI, she did comply.

After completely failing every exercise she was asked to perform, it was evident to the deputy that Peterson was extremely intoxicated.

Peterson was taken to the Marion County Jail, where she performed an alcohol breath test which registered at a shocking .410, that is five times the legal limit of .08.

Due to such a high BAC the jail would not accept her; therefore she was transported to Munroe Regional Medical Center for medical clearance.

The Toyota she was driving which belonged to Peterson’s mother, was impounded by the Florida Highway Patrol.

Peterson was charged with DUI and is currently in the Marion County Jail on a $500 bond.

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