He was picked up by an Ocala Police Department task force specifically geared toward catching violent criminals that are a hazard to the public, such as Allison.
Allison was a regular customer of the store. A victim told police that the suspect visited the store at least twice a day, walked around for several minutes, and would always purchase one Black & Mild cigar.
On November 29, Allison went to the Family Dollar at 810 NW 28th Street, jumped the counter, and struck a victim in the face with a handgun. According to reports, Allison was screaming, “Give me the f***ing money, give me the money.”
Allison forced the victim’s to get on their knees and face away from the suspect (toward the safe). He then yelled, “Do not look at me and open the safe.”
A victim told Allison that the safe was on a timer, to which Allison replied, “You’re a f***ing liar, open the safe.” When the victim again repeated that he could not open the safe, Allison yelled, “You’re f***ing lying, you are going to die today.”
The suspect then demanded the cash register be opened and forced one of the clerks to remove $730.00 in cash from the drawer.
In a recent interview with police, the victim’s stated that they feared for their life and have not been able to sleep since the incident.
Allison was arrested today and charged with Robbery with a Firearm and Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon.
He is currently being held on $60,000 bond.