According to reports, the mother of the victim stated that she was at Stevi B’s to have dinner with her 15-year-old daughter when her ex-husband, Jovan Bostick, 34, arrived and started a verbal argument.
The mother stated that Bostick began yelling at her daughter, at which time the 15-year-old attempted to seek safety inside Stevi B’s.
Bostick then grabbed the 15-year-old by the throat and dragged her approximately 15-feet while choking her. She was dragged across pavement, leaving abrasions on her arms.
The mother told police that she ran to her daughters aid and pushed Bostick away.
Bostick then “balled up” his fist and punched the mother in the left side of her face, followed by a punch to the chest.
According to reports, the victim told police she feared for her life because she could not breathe while her father had her by the throat.
Employees of Stevi B’s confirmed the victim’s statements.
Surveillance video also showed Bostick preventing the victim from retreating to the inside of Stevi B’s.
Bostick was arrested and charged with Felony Cruelty toward a Child/Child Abuse and Domestic Battery.
Bostick is a career criminal. He has previous charges for Trafficking in Cocaine, Battery, Fraud (x2), Trafficking in Marijuana, Possession of a Concealed Weapon by a Convicted Felon, Possession of an Altered Firearm-Serial Number Removed (x2), Violation of Probation, Possession of Narcotic Equipment, DWLS, Theft, False Name to Law Enforcement, and False Registration.
He is currently being help at the Marion County Jail without bond.