FHP trooper struck by car while patrolling I-75, died


Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Sergeant William Trampass Bishop died from his injuries after being struck by a car Saturday evening.

FHP Director, Colonel Gene Spaulding, said Sergeant Bishop was on patrol in Alachua County Saturday evening when he was struck on the southbound side of I-75 while standing outside of his patrol car.

According to FHP, Alachua County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a crash at approximately 6:30 p.m., but handed it over to troopers.

A short time later, 911 operators began getting phone calls from motorists stating that a trooper had been hit by a vehicle.

ACSO Public Information Officer, Chris Sims, said that when deputies returned to the scene, they saw that the trooper had been pinned under a car.

Sims said, “They pulled him out from under the vehicle and they rendered as much aid as they could until medical personnel arrived and took the trooper to a hospital.”

FHP said that drivers need to remember that Florida has a Move Over law for a reason. The law requires drivers to move over one lane, or slow down to 20 mph below the posted speed limit when they see law enforcement, emergency workers, other first responders, and tow-truck drivers.

FHP said, “Sergeant Bishop, who, like all troopers, put the well-being of those he serves above his own to keep Florida roadways safe.”

“Every member at the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is grieving with Sgt. Bishop’s family during this horrific time,” FHP said. “This is a tragedy that highlights the risks that FHP troopers encounter every day as they serve our state. We appreciate all of the support FHP has received and continues to receive.”

Bishop was a 30 year veteran of the FHP.

The investigation is ongoing.

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