Ocala, Florida — A second juvenile has been identified as a victim of former Frances Marion Military Academy Teacher, Duane Adams.
In the course of the investigation against Adams, investigators learned that during the last school year there had been a fight between two girls and that the girls were actually fighting over Adams. The fight took place after the girls found out that Adams had been sending each of them text messages that were sexual in nature. Investigators located the two girls and identified the second victim.
The victim said she got into a fight with the other girl because [she] felt she had spread rumors about she and Adams.
The victim was interviewed on February 25, 2014, by Victoria Smith at the Kimberly’s Center. The victim stated that she went to Francis Marion Military Academy her freshman and sophomore years. She told Smith that shortly after [she] enrolled at FMMA, she joined the Orienteering team and the Raiders team. Adams, at that time, was the coach for the Orienteering team.
The victim said that Adams treated her differently from other students and it was apparent that she was being given more attention. [She] said when the team would go to Orienteering meets Adams would have her ride up front with him, even when there were seats available in other vehicles or in the back seat of Adams’ vehicle.
On “dress-down” days Adams would compliment her on the way she looked, and on one occasion told her he was attracted to black girls, according to the victim.
The victim said that Adams began to text her, and that the text messages became increasingly sexual in nature. [She] said at one point Adams gave her $100, in $20 bills just because she was his “second girlfriend.”
She told investigators that on Valentine’s day of 2012, Adams brought her a box of chocolates.
She said during school Adams would text her to meet him in his classroom, and she would leave class to meet him. During the alone time in his classroom, the victims said Adams would tell her she was pretty and they would sit on a sofa in his classroom. She said eventually the meetings turned into kissing and touching. In one instance, she said she met Adams in his classroom during school hours and when they were kissing, Adams touched her vagina over her clothing. She said he then asked her to suck his penis as he exposed it to her. The victim stated that she refused to do so, at which point he stopped, kissed her again and sent her back to class. She said Adams would write her a pass to return to class after meeting with him.
The victims said the sexual text messages continued, and the two eventually went to a local motel together.
She said earlier in the day, before arriving at the motel, Adams had walked by her and said, “I want to ‘F’ you hard.” That afternoon, she said, he was to driver her to Raiders practice at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office obstacle course, but instead Adams drove her to the Howard Johnson motel on NW Blitchton Road.
She said once inside the motel room they danced and started undressing, and once they were both completely naked they got into the bed.
She said her and Adams had sex and he ejaculated. She said Adams did not wear a condom and he told her he could not get her pregnant because he had gone through “menopause.”
It was confirmed during the previous investigation, by Adams’ ex-wife, that Adams had a vasectomy.
Investigators confirmed that a room was rented at the Howard Johnson in Adams’ name with his telephone number. The vehicle information documented on the reservation matched a car that belonged to his wife. (Now ex-wife)
The victim went on to describe another event that took place one day after school at the old FMMA campus, in Adams’ classroom. She said she went to his classroom and he locked the door and said he was horny. The victim said she knew this meant he wanted sex. She said she told him no, but he insisted. She said she got on a blue sofa with her pants down, but not off. She stated that Adams had sex with her from behind, and he did “finish.” She said he kept looking out the window because people were still on campus.
Evidence Technician Brenda Yanik, using an ultraviolet light, got a positive match off of the couch (which had been moved to his new office) for bodily fluids. The cushion covers were removed and sent off for DNA analysis.
Duane Adams has been charged with Sexual Battery- Penetration of the Victims Vagina by the Defendants Penis on a Child Over 12-years-old but Under the Age of 18, While in the Position of Familial or Custodial Authority to the Victim. Florida statute 794.011(8)(b).
Among this newest charge, Adams has 25 other charges against him to include Lewd and Lascivious Battery on a Child and Interference with Child Custody stemming from the previous investigation.