The teacher has been identified as Martesha Williams Johnson and has been a math teacher at the school since 2012, however, the school district said she has called into work for five weeks due to “personal reasons.”
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According to detectives, the shooting stemmed from an argument that began on social media over a relationship and involved threats and the taunting to fight.
Johnson is just one of three people arrested for the shooting death of Tyerune Booker, whose body was found in Alachua County one week ago.
Security video from a nearby business shows the three suspects, all from Ocala, at the crime scene.
Doug Heath and Jasmine Webb were also arrested for the murder. All three remain behind bars.
When contact was made with Johnson, she told deputies that they could search her vehicle. However, when deputies found a loaded magazine in Johnson’s car, containing she withdrew consent, at which time the search stopped.
Johnson was then read her rights and arrested.
She said she knew Webb and Heath but denied involvement in the shooting.
Johnson was reportedly smug during her arrest and even smiled for her booking photo.
Some staff members, who did not want to be identified, said that Johnson has been known to be confrontational and have a “short fuse.”
Johnson is now on paid leave.