Free medical/dental care coming to Ocala, 2 days only


Freedom Clinic USA, ocal news, free healthcare ocala, free dental ocala

Ocala, Florida — United Hands, Inc. created FreeD.O.M. Clinic USA to address the growing need for dental, optical, and medical care to the indigent, homeless, and uninsured in America.

FreeD.O.M. Clinic USA also added a few additional services for 2016.

Their unpaid volunteers are motivated by their love of people and their passion to share their specific expertise with those who would not ordinarily be able to afford such care.

FreeD.O.M. Clinic USA will be coming to Ocala on July 28 through July 29, 2016. The clinic opens at 8 a.m.

The clinic will be held at Trinity Catholic High School, located at 2600 Southwest 42nd Street, Ocala.

With no identification required, the clinic is open on a first-come first-served basis.

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