A woman was found dead by family members Wednesday morning just shy of 3 A.M. near her home.
Officials received the 911 call at 2:54 A.M. and deputies responded to the address located at County Road 340 and NW 25th Circle in Gilchrist County.
Few details have been released in the death of Joyce Burrows- 55 of Bell, Fla.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement as well as the Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office are calling the woman’s death suspicious. LT. Jeff Manning of the Gilchrist Sheriff’s Dept said “other details will not be released until later in the investigation, including circumstances of the case and possible causes of death.”
Family members along with those who knew Burrow’s are devastated.
A friend of Burrow’s said “for 26 years she worked in Trenton at the Hitchcock’s Market and had only retired last year.” Family and friends are hopeful that Law Enforcement will find answers in Burrow’s death.
Officials of the Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office are asking that anyone with information regarding the case, call (352) 463-3410.