Heroin dealer arrested in Ocala


ocala post, ocala news, marion county news, heroin, heroin in ocala
Melissa Young

Ocala, Florida — An undercover investigation by the Unified Drug Enforcement Strike Team lead to the arrest of a heroin dealer in Ocala.

On one occasion, agents reported that Melissa S. Young, 31, A.K.A Melissa Parrish, sold five aluminum bindles of heroin to an informant.  During a second encounter, Young sold four bindles of heroin to the informant.

The informant was paid $180 for participating in this portion of the investigation.

According to reports, Young met the informant in the Winn Dixie parking lot, located at 2640 Northeast 14th Street, Ocala.

Reports indicated that Young has been dealing heroin within Marion County for quite some time. Agents reported that this investigation started in January of 2015.

Young was arrested and charged with Possession of Heroin with Intent to Sell (x4) and Selling Heroin (x4).

She is being held on a $240,000 bond.

Young has previous arrests for Prostitution (x3), Maintaining a House for the Purpose of Soliciting Prostitution (x2), Possession of Roxy, Possession of Oxycodone without a Prescription, Driving on a Suspended License (x2), and Violation of Probation.

It is unclear who has custody of Young’s little girl.

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