Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said that Biden will not give American citizens priority evacuation over Afghan SIV applicants.
In a statement, Kirby, said, “Once we get more airlift out of Kabul, we’re going to put as many people on those planes as we can. There will be a mix of not just American citizens, but perhaps some Afghan SIV applicants as well.”
Kirby went on to say, “It’s not going to be just Americans first, then SIV applicants.”
The Pentagon’s statements come even after it was reported that the Taliban is going door-to-door “hunting” for American military allies and journalists.
On Monday, the Afghan ambassador to the United Nations, Ghulam Isaczai, said, the Taliban was engaging in “targeted killings” after indicating he saw “gruesome images” of “mass executions.”
Isaczai reported that the Taliban is seeking “those who had worked with” or “had fought alongside the Americans.” He said, “terrified” residents scrambled to destroy any proof of association.
Taliban spokesman Shail Shaheen told the U.S government that the accusations were propaganda.
Shaheen said, “These allegations are totally baseless, totally wrong, the claims are “propaganda” being “used to mislead the world against us. We have a clear policy. The policy is that no one can enter anyone’s house, property. Honor and life of the people are protected.”
Despite the door-to-door searches and accusations of mass executions, Biden says he stands by his decision on pulling out the troops.