Landfills could be on the horizon in the City limits, residents furious


Ocala — Ocala residents are furious over an ordinance that would allow for the expansion of Friends Recycling, located at 2350 NW 27th Ave.

Currently, the landfill only accepts construction debris, not household garbage. Friends Recycling is pushing for the expansion.

On Tuesday, February 18, the Ocala City Council will have a meeting and consider the ordinance.

“The city does not care as long as they can line their pockets. They are surely going to profit from this. Those of us who live near the area do not want the smell this monstrosity will bring. Not to mention the added noise pollution,” said resident Phillis Turner.

“We do not want it here. We have fought to have the area cleaned up, not destroyed. Keep that stench in the county,” said Bob Turner. He went on to say, “Not only will this stink up the neighborhood, but the traffic will be atrocious. And why would they build this landfill near a planned housing development? Is it because that development is for low-income people?”

Records show the landfill is near the Ocala/Marion County Commerce Park.

Tanya Arlington said, “This will certainly violate our land use as property owners. I already hear these trucks before the sun rises. It is absurd. If this passes, it just shows me how corrupt Marion County is.” Adding, “This city and county have been Orlando in the making for a long time…from corruption to development. They absolutely do not care about the residents but they sure will take our property tax dollars, won’t they?”

Arlington said that she hopes residents will attend the meeting, which will be on Tuesday at 5 p.m. at City Hall, located at 110 SE Watula Ave.

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