Letter to editor: Response to proposed 5G tower installation in Kingsland Country neighborhood


cell tower, zoning, ocala news

My name is Maiko Mottie, I’m a resident and board member of the HOA in the Kingsland Country neighborhood in Ocala, Florida.

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of significant concern to our community regarding the planned installation of a 5G tower in the middle of our residential area.

The decision to install this tower was made without the knowledge or approval of our HOA, and many residents are deeply concerned about the potential impacts this could have on our health, property values, and the overall character of our neighborhood. Numerous studies have suggested potential health risks associated with prolonged exposure to cell towers, including headaches, sleep disturbances, and more severe long-term concerns such as cancer.

To give you a better understanding, here are some resources that discuss the potential health risks of living near cell towers:

  1. American Cancer Society: Cellular Phone Towers – This article from the American Cancer Society discusses the potential risks associated with radiation from cell towers. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/cellular-phone-towers.html
  2. Environmental Health Trust: Health Risks from Cell Tower Radiation – The Environmental Health Trust provides a detailed explanation of the potential health impacts of radiation from cell towers and includes several studies on the subject. https://ehtrust.org/cell-towers-and-cell-antennae/
  3. Scientific Research: Study on Mobile Phone Base Stations and Cancer Risks – A study discussing the potential link between cancer risks and proximity to mobile phone base stations. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1438463919302174
  4. BioInitiative Report: Health Impacts of EMF Exposure – This comprehensive report details the biological effects of electromagnetic fields, including those from cell towers, and cites hundreds of peer-reviewed studies. https://bioinitiative.org/
  5. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health – This peer-reviewed journal article discusses the associations between cell tower proximity and health impacts. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/14/4959 Despite these concerns, there has been a lack of transparency in the decision-making process, and many residents feel their voices have not been heard. We believe this issue deserves more attention and are reaching out to you in the hope that you could help us raise awareness by covering this story. Our goal is to ensure that the community is fully informed and that local officials are held accountable to the concerns of the people they serve.

Thank you for your time.

Maiko Mottie Board Member, Kings Land Country HOA Ocala


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