[Letters to the editor do not reflect the opinion of Ocala Post staff.]
Below is what I’ve sent to Marion County Animal Services & @Marion County FL, but for some ‘reason’ they keep deleting it, can you imagine!!
I can because they are hiding a LOT.
I sent them a roadside sign of a backyard breeder.
You can’t spit in Marion County without running into one of these signs.
Why is the shelter not being looked into for waste, the deaths of many animals, and hiring a ‘kill’ director?
They have had millions of dollars for years to build a new shelter, finally building it to add only 4 more kennels.
Marion County Animal Services & Marion County, Florida; Question for you both.
Why are these signs of obvious illegal/backyard breeders not being investigated?
I mean, when someone calls about a stray/injured animal you tell them to leave it where they found it.
So you must have time to investigate these signs to make sure they are legit (NOT) breeders right?
I know for a fact this is what Animal Services’ has been telling people.
I am one of those people as well as others. I’ve stood right in front of you to hear you say it.
Brandie H.
Ocala, Florida