Local prostitute told undercover officer, no butt


prostitution, ocala, marion county news
Julie Reddick [Mugshot]
Ocala, Florida — On April 22, 2014, the Unified Drug Enforcement Strike Team (UDEST) conducted a “Prostitution” operation throughout Marion County, Florida.

At approximately 4 p.m., an undercover officer posing as a “John” made contact with a female, later identified as Julie Reddick, 24, of Gainesville, in the area of South Pine Avenue.

During the conversation with the undercover officer, Reddick told him she would have sex with him for $250.00. Reddick said, “I will do anything you want me to do except anal, and you must use protection,” according to reports.

Reddick was then placed under arrest.

The undercover operation was monitored and recorded as it took place.

Reddick stated during an interview that she had previously made an appointment with the undercover officer, via phone. Reddick stated that she went to the area where the undercover officer agreed to meet, and that she charged the “John” $250.00 in exchange for one hour of sex. She said she usually charges $350.00 for a hour.

Reddick was advertising herself on the website www.backpage.com under Ocala, using the name “Casey.”

Reddick admitted to detectives that she was the one that created the on-line post and that the pictured uploaded was of her. She told detectives that she began prostituting approximately two months ago because she couldn’t find a job.

Reddick was charged with Violation of Probation stemming from an arrest out of Alachua County involving child abuse of her two children, and Prostitution.

She is currently being held without bond.

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