Man attempted to rob a house then carjack a woman, Good Samaritan secured suspect with belt

ocala news, ocala post
Normad Eliud Rosario-Otero

On Tuesday, July 5, Ocala police were dispatched to the vicinity of State Road 200 and Southwest 60th Ave in response to an attempted burglary and carjacking suspect, later identified as Normad Eliud Rosario-Otero, 51.

According to reports, Rosario-Otero had attempted to burglarize a home not far from the intersection while the homeowner was asleep.

The homeowner told investigators that he got out of bed and walked to his living room to find Rosario-Otero opening his sliding glass doors. At that point, the homeowner said she pushed the man out of the doorway with a broom.

Rosario-Otero then fled the scene on foot and attempted to carjack a 74-year-old woman who was stopped at a stop light at the aforementioned intersection.

The victim tried to lock her car doors but had difficulty reaching the passenger door and Rosario-Otero was able to enter the vehicle from the passenger side.

Rosario-Otero tried to overpower the woman and push her out of the car. The woman said the man grabbed the steering wheel and attempted to press the gas pedal. However, the woman said she was able to keep her foot on the brake.

The woman told investigators that Rosario-Otero had attempted to enter other vehicles before he gained access to hers.

A Good Samaritan snatched Rosario-Otero from the elderly woman’s car and restrained him with a belt until police arrived.

The woman sustained bruising on her arm from where Rosario-Otero grabbed her.

During questioning, Rosario-Otero said he had been using cocaine, Xanax pills, and alcohol the evening before and stated he did not recall the incident.

In an email, one person who was involved, who did not want to be identified, stated “we taught him a lesson.”

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