Upon arrival Officer Sirolli spoke with the discipline coordinator, Napoleon Dubois, who said inmate Ricardo Cummings, was being transferred back to Marion Correctional Institute for violating conditions of his stay. Dubois said after notifying Cummings about his return, he ran out the rear door of the facility. Cummings ran into a nearby neighborhood.
According to reports, after Cummings escaped from the facility, he cut off his GPS tracking device from his ankle and also removed a part of the GPS tracker from his waist band. Cummings then removed the clothing he was wearing when he fled. The GPS and clothing were found in the 900 block of NE 20th Street.
After an extensive search of the area by the Marion County Sheriff’s helicopter and K-9 unit assisting OPD officers, Cummings was found hiding behind a house in the 1200 block of NE 22nd Street by Officer Esquivel and MCSO K-9 Officer Parker.
After returning to the Re-Entry Center Cummings was questioned as to why he escaped. Cummings told the officer he wasn’t trying to escape, he just didn’t agree with why he was being sent back to Marion Correctional. Cummings said, “Since I was getting in trouble for nothing, I figured I would do something to get in trouble. I was going to get some p***y…. then I was going to turn myself in.”
Cummings was arrested and transported to the Marion County Jail. He was charged with Escape and is being held without bond.