Man shoots AT&T trucks, fired shot at worker


A Hialeah man, 64, was arrested and charged with two counts of Aggravated Assault with a Firearm and two counts of Felony Vandalism.

One of the workers captured the incident on video. The man fired the revolver until it was empty, reloaded, and then continued to fire the weapon.

Jorge Jove told police that he did not like the AT&T utility trucks being parked in front of his Hialeah home, located in the 600 block of Southeast Fifth Place.

Jove said he was worried that the truck would damage his driveway pavers.

When the workers refused to move their trucks, Jove went to his house and retrieved his .357 revolver.

Jove then shot the tires, radiators, and body of the trucks.

Hialeah police Sgt. Carl Zogby said, “He flattened their tires. He shot into the bodies of the trucks. He shot out one of the radiators of a truck.”

Jove said, “I just went bananas.”

According to the arrest affidavit, a Hialeah police sergeant who responded to the scene witnessed Jove fire one shot at one of the AT&T workers who was working on a cable while elevated inside a bucket of one of the trucks.

Jove was released Thursday on a $30,000 bond.

Jove caused more than $1,000 in damages.

No one was injured.

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