Man that told woman she was pretty gets beaten


girlfriend, flirt, beaten
Michael Heaven [Mugshot]
Ocala, Florida — An Ocala man is still behind bars after he used a deadly weapon on a victim that thought his girlfriend was pretty.

The victim told police he gave a female walking down the street and few “catcalls” and told her how pretty she was.

According to reports, Michael “Fox” Heaven, 30, overheard the comments and became enraged.

Heaven, whom had a piece of wood in his hand, entered the yard where the victim stood and began to repeatedly bash the man in the head with the wood.

Reports state that the victim fell to the ground and attempted to use his hands and arms to protect himself as Heaven continued to bash the man in the head.

The victim lost consciousness during the beating.

According to the Ocala Police Department, the victim awoke about 20 minutes later in the yard.

When the victim realized how severe his injuries were he called 9-1-1.

After a short investigation, Heaven was tracked down at his residence.

Heaven denied beating the victim with any wood or stick, but admitted to using his fists to beat the victim while he was already on the ground.

Heaven told police that the victims started the fight.

Heaven was arrested and transported to the Marion County Jail and charged with Aggravated Battery With a Deadly Weapon.

He is currently being held on $25,000 bond.

Heaven is a convicted felon and has a long list of felony charges from previous arrests.

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