Marion County officials want to expand phase 1 beyond Governor’s guidelines


Marion County Commissioner Kathy Bryant said she is urging Gov. DeSantis to let Marion County officials make their own decisions when it comes to Phase 1 reopening of businesses.

“Marion County is home to 258 hair salon establishments employing almost eleven hundred individuals, 61 gyms and fitness establishments that provide almost 450 local jobs, and over 612 restaurants with almost 10,000 employees,” said Bryant. “Our restaurants would not survive on a 25 percent seating capacity. We are urging Governor DeSantis to allow us to implement the reopen Florida Task Force Phase One Plan for restaurants, gyms, and personal services.”

Bryant said she would like to see restaurants, gyms, and personal care services, to be able to operate in accordance with the reopen Florida task force which would allow them to operate at no more than 50 percent capacity with appropriate social distancing.

Bryant said, “Marion county’s elected leaders and officials are capable of making independent decisions for our resident’s, visitors, and business people and have a plan to do so that will continue to slow the spread of this virus while keeping our families patrons and neighbors safe with the blessing of our governor. Our priority is the health and well-being of every individual who lives in our amazing County and we are asking Governor DeSantis to trust us to implement cautious reopening phases that make sense to our current state star citizens can get back to work and we can put an end to their financial suffering and economic hardships.”

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