Marion County school updates for teachers, parents, and students


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The following are Marion County school district updates and actions taken due to COVID-19. These updates were issued on Monday, May 11, 2020.

Class of 2020 cap and gown deliveries continues this week at local high schools. A “drive-thru” format maintains safe social distancing and offers seniors the opportunity to make memorable moments with school leaders.

  • West Port High – Tuesday, May 12, 10 A.M-12 P.M for senior signs and yearbooks. WPHS students will receive their caps and gowns through the mail.
  • Dunnellon High – Tuesday, May 12, 12 P.M-2 P.M
  • Lake Weir High – Tuesday, May 12, 5 P.M-7 P.M
  • North Marion High – Thursday, May 14, 9 A.M-11:30 A.M
  • Forest High – Friday, May 15, 9 A.M-12 P.M

Graduation 2020 plans are set for June 12-22 but could change based on COVID-19 conditions.

“Grab & Go” meal service started its eighth week Monday morning. Monday, the program delivered 9,642 breakfast and lunch meals to 4,821 students. “Grab & Go” service started March 24 and has handed out 349,583 meals. A delivery site listing with approximate times is listed here, featuring 36 schools that prepare and deliver to 164 locations district-wide. Families can call 211 or text “FoodFL” to 877-7877 for their nearest serving location. This program serves ALL children 18 and under regardless of whether they walk or ride a bicycle, bus or car to school and continue Monday-Friday through June 1. Summer Feeding Program dates have yet to be released.

COVID-19 testing for school district employees is now available.  Each Friday, Florida’s Department of Health in Marion County is reserving 20 slots for MCPS employees who are asymptomatic.  Those wanting testing should call the COVID-19 Call Center at 352.644.2590 and identify themselves as an MCPS employee. Further details will be available at that point.

All currently-enrolled Marion Afterschool Program (MAP) students will automatically be pre-registered for the 2020-2021 school year. Participating families will be contacted by site managers next week to confirm enrollment and placement.  Next year’s $30 registration fee is due July 1, 2020, to secure each child’s spot, and invoices will be emailed starting May 25.  New MAP students in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten may tentatively register July 14-15 at Marion Technical College, 7:30 A.M-6 P.M.  A $30 registration fee applies.  Finally, open enrollment for elementary and middle school MAP students will tentatively be held July 21-22 at MTC, 7:30 A.M-6 P.M with a $30 applicable registration fee. 

Important upcoming calendar dates:

  • May 18 – student enrollment for the next school year begins by appointment only.  Students can also start retrieving items from their classrooms by appointment only.
  • May 26 – last day for seniors
  • June 1 – last day for students.  The school year was extended to make up days missed due to COVID-19. This extension meets state requirements for 900 hours of instruction annually.
  • June 3 – Chromebook and textbook returns begin.  More details on these plans are forthcoming.
  • June 8 – last day for teachers

Summer school for elementary students runs Monday – Thursday, June 15 – July 9, and June 15 – July 23 for secondary students.  Students typically attend by invitation only based on academic progress. Extended School Year (ESY) will also be offered on a virtual basis to students with exceptional needs.  More details on summer school programs will be announced in the coming weeks.

“Parking Lot Wi-Fi” continues free of charge, Monday-Friday, 9 A.M-7 P.M, at these schools: Belleview Middle, Dunnellon High, Forest High, Fort McCoy School, Horizon Academy at Marion Oaks, Lake Weir Middle, North Marion High, North Marion Middle, Vanguard High, and West Port High.  Users simply drive into the parking lot, log in, and access learning materials online. This service is provided through a partnership with the City of Ocala and its fiber network operation.

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