On Monday Bargo testified for over two hours, recalling events leading up to the murder of Jackson as well as what transpired after the killing took place.
Bargo put the blame on his co-defendants saying that he was not at the home when Jackson was murdered, claiming it was Kyle Hooper who fired the shots that killed Jackson.
Bargo testified that when he arrived at the home where Jackson was killed, the murder had already taken place. He claimed his gun had gone missing hours before Jackson was killed and when he arrived at the home on April 17, co-defendant Amber Wright was crying, Charlie Ely was trying to clean the crime scene with bleach, and Kyle Hooper was outside in the backyard tending to a huge bonfire. “It’s so hot I can’t get within 15 feet of the damn thing,” said Bargo.
According to Bargo’s testimony it was at that point when Hooper took him inside and told Bargo what had happened.
The jury was apparently not very persuaded by the testimony of Michael Bargo, coming back with a guilty verdict after deliberating for only three hours Tuesday morning.
The jury will now be in recess until Friday. At that point they will pick up with the penalty phase for the capital murder case.
If Bargo receives the death penalty, it will make him the youngest person in history to be put on Florida’s death row.