On Wednesday, Marion County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the Walmart, located at 9570 Southwest Highway 200, after a store employee, Tim Cricketts, reported a vehicle fire.
Cricketts stated that citizens had alerted Walmart staff about the fire.
According to reports, one of the citizens opened the door to the truck and removed a white baby wipe container and shirt from the rear passenger seat that was on fire. The citizen then placed it on the ground and extinguished the fire by pouring water on it. The fire on the seat of the truck was also extinguished by the citizen.
That is when the Good Samaritans realized there were drugs in the vehicle and notified law enforcement.
After inspecting the baby wipe container, deputies discovered that the family had left synthetic marijuana burning while they were in the store.
Deputies then made contact with one of the suspects, Clint Seeders, who had been shopping in Walmart.
While searching the vehicle, deputies were also notified that two individuals that had been in the truck were watching from across the parking lot.
One of the deputies then summoned the suspects, later identified as Ariana and Anthony Seeders.
Deputies reported that they found 21 grams of synthetic marijuana inside the vehicle. Two grams of that was located in Ariana’s purse.
“One of my kids must have put that in my purse,” Ariana said.
The Seeders were arrested and charged with Felony Possession of Synthetic Marijuana.
Ariana was also charged with Introduction of Contraband into a Detention Facility (F).
Anthony and Clint were released on a $2,000 bond each, while Ariana was released on a $4,000 bond.
The actions of the Good Samaritans kept the fire from possibly spreading to other vehicles, or injuring others.