Ocala Fire Rescue: Get your chili today


chili, ocala news, ocala post

Fans of Ocala Fire Rescue’s (OFR) chili won’t have to wait until next year’s chili cook-off to savor a bowl of the crews’ concoction.

Today, December 10, OFR Station #1 will be serving their signature chili as part of a fundraiser for United Way.

For a donation of $5.00 dollars, individuals can have a bowl of delicious chili with crackers or rice, a sprinkle of cheese, a drink, and a smile.

The chili sale is open to the public, and no pre-orders are necessary.

Stop by Ocala Fire Rescue’s Station #1 (320 NE Eighth Ave.), between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to pick up your scrumptious lunch.

Chili lover or not, this is a meal you won’t want to miss – after all, it will warm your stomach and your heart.

For additional information about the chili sale, please contact OFR at (352) 629-8306.


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