Ocala man attempted to strangle girlfriend; children present



ocala news, marion coutny news, domestic violence.
Ernest Morris [Mugshot]
Ocala, Florida — On September 16, 2014, Marion County Sheriff’s Deputy, Roderic Marques, was dispatched to Affordable Rentals Mobile Home Park in response to a physical altercation.

During the investigation it was learned that Ernest Morris, 24, and the victim, had been arguing about money the day before. During the argument, the victim stated it became physical.

The victim stated that Morris slammed her head-first into a bed and she then kicked Morris in the mouth and impacted one of his teeth.

The following day, (September 16) the victim stated that the argument continued. The victim told deputies that Morris was angry over being kicked in the mouth and wanted her to pay for his surgery.

The victim told deputies that Morris chased her into her children’s bedroom, ripped off her shirt, then placed it around her throat, and attempted to strangle her.

The victims three juvenile children witnessed the physical altercation on both days.

The victim sustained injuries to her face, neck, her left and right eye, her biceps, and her back.

Morris was arrested and charged with Felony Domestic Battery by Strangulation.

He is being held on $25,000 bond.

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