Ocala, Florida — Today, Ocala Mayor Kent Guinn, vetoed Triniy Lane development plans that would destroy 401-acres of farmland at the corner of Southwest 27th Avenue and Southwest 42nd Street, Ocala.
This is the second time Mayor Guinn has “stepped up” and vetoed the development plans presented by developer John J. Brunetti.
In March of 2014, Guinn said, “The land use is not compatible for the surroundings of the area.” Today, he spoke the same words.
The project had the potential of creating more than 3,000 homes and 925,000 square feet of commercial and office space. Which also included a 335 room hotel.
Glen Hill Farm owner, Craig Bernick, wrote, ” Glen Hill Farm applauds Mayor Guinn’s veto of this development. Ocala and Marion County is losing its identity, and will no longer be known as an equine and outdoor community. It will be known for the most Publix, Wal-mart, CVS, and Walgreens stores per capita of any city in Florida.”
Bernick said if the land were to be developed in the future, it would be better suited for one house per acre lot.
In a February 19 City Council meeting, Attorney Steven H. Gray, who represents Brunetti, said Bernick’s request of one home per one-acre lot was not realistic.
“Ocala is not a one-acre lot market and I don’t see it becoming a one-acre lot market anytime in the near future,” Gray said.
Residents said they felt Gray was insinuating that Ocala residents are poor, and could not afford houses on one-acre lots.
Farm owners are now hoping that Mayor Guinn can get enough votes to uphold his veto.