A quick-thinking Regions Bank teller notified authorities when she recognized the name on a check that a tattoo-covered man was attempting to cash.
The bank is located at 451 South Highway 314A.
The bank teller told investigators that she knew the victim and called to see if she had written a check to the suspect, identified as Efthimios Mikedis. When the victim told her no, she notified authorities.
When authorities arrived at the bank, Mikedis stated that he and the victim’s son came up with the idea to forge and cash the stolen check.
Mikedis then began to profusely apologize. He said he was sorry and couldn’t go back to prison for violating his parole.
The victim told authorities that she knew the suspect because he had been living on her property in a camper with her son, but did not write the check or give permission to cash it.
Mikedis was charged with Uttering a Forged Check and Petit Larceny. Additionally, he was arrested on a warrant for violating his parole on a previous charge of Domestic Battery by Strangulation.
He is being held at the Marion County Jail in lieu of a $3,000 bond.
His next court date is slated for March 3, 2020.
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