Samuel Kaham Throws Block At Moving Car



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Samuel Kaham [Mugshot]
Dunnellon, Florida — On December 8, 2013 Deputies were dispatched after receiving a call about a man battering his girlfriend.

Deputy Lightle met with the victim and a witness at the Walmart Parking lot in Dunnellon, Florida. The victim advised that she had been in an ongoing argument with Samuel Kaham, 31, over the course of the evening. The victim advised that she had a mutual physical altercation with Kaham after she (victim) attempted to retrieve her belongings from her home .

The victim stated she was trying to leave the residence located at 19790 S.W. 107th Lane. The victim advised Deputy Lightle that she called the eyewitness to come pick her up so that she could gather her things and leave the property.

After the eyewitness came to pick her up, the victim advised that she packed up her belongings into the witnesses car. According to reports, as the two began to drive away from the residence, Kaham took a cinder-block, broke it up on the street, and then threw a large piece of block at her car, striking and shattering the wind-shield and denting the door panel.

Deputy Lightle noted that the damage was clearly visible on the car.

The victim advised that she drove away from the residence at that point and called the sheriff’s office.

According to reports, the eyewitness separately confirmed the victims account of the incident. Both victims told the deputy that they were scared and in fear for their lives.

Deputy Lightle then went to Kaham’s residence, located down the street from the incident location. Post-miranda, Kaham admitted to throwing a piece of brick at the victim’s car.

Kaham was arrested and transported to the Marion County Jail without further incident, he was charged with Throwing a Missile Into an Occupied Vehicle.

Samuel Kaham is a felon previously convicted of Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Distibute.

Kaham’s Bond was set at $11,000.

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