Sheriff falsified reports and press releases, orchestrated illegal COVID-19 related arrest, now asked to resign


Staten Island, New York — Mac’s Public House co-owner, Daniel Presti, spoke publicly for the first time Monday since he was illegally arrested on December 6, 2020.

Presti and his legal team have been publicly accused by CNN, other media outlets, and law enforcement agencies of being “white supremacists” and “sovereign citizens” for using the term patriot when speaking out against police corruption. Presti was also verbally attacked by other cops from across the U.S.

During a press conference Monday, Presti’s attorney, Mark Fonte, spoke in great detail about the corruption that Presti has faced from Staten Island officials and Sheriff Joseph Fucito.

Sheriff Joseph Fucito

Fonte said he’s now calling for New York City Sheriff Joseph Fucito to resign and make a public apology.

On December 6, after Presti spoke out following a previous arrest due to violating COVID-19 restrictions at his bar, Sheriff Fucito instructed his deputies to ambush Presti as he left his place of business. He was chased down in a dark alley shortly after midnight. Fonte believes that the sheriff got his orders from Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Mark Cuomo.

Fonte said, “The sheriff’s goon squad came down here with bad intentions.”

According to reports, during the arrest, none of the deputies identified themselves as law enforcement.

The District Attorney’s office said that Presti thought he was being attacked and fled the scene in his jeep, at which time Sgt. Kenneth Matos jumped on the hood of the vehicle and was thrown off.

During the grand jury hearings, video confirmed Presti’s statements that the deputies did not identify themselves. Fonte said the deputies acted more like muggers in an alley.

In the days following, Sheriff Fucito told several news outlets that his deputy suffered two broken legs during Presti’s arrest.

Fonte said Matos’ medical records were later provided to the District Attorney. Those medical records contradicted the sheriff’s statements that Matos has suffered major injuries.

In a previous interview, Fonte said, “This case should be a testament to the people in this country of how far the government will go with corruption.”

Presti had strong words for the corrupt officials in New York and around the country.

As you can see in the video, some media outlets attempted to turn the incident into a racial issue. They were immediately shut down by the bar owners.

When questioned about Matos’ injuries, Sheriff Fucito said, “The hospital must have misdiagnosed my deputy.”

Ultimately, all criminal charges against Presti were dismissed.

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