Sheriff’s Deputy Edward Lueck Arrested



WARNING: This article contains graphic testimony from the victim. In order for the public to grasp just how horrific the molestation was that the girl endured, Ocala Post chose not to remove the testimony. This testimony may be disturbing to some readers. All names have been withheld to protect the victim and the family of the victim.

Edward Leuck, daytona beach, child molester, ocala post, ocala
Daytona Beach, Florida — On Sunday, September 29, 2013, at around 5 p.m. the Daytona Beach Police responded to a call involving sexual abuse.

A Daytona Beach police officer responded to an address and met with a woman who claimed that her daughter had been sexually abused by her neighbor.

The neighbor was identified as retired Volusia County Sheriff’s Deputy, Edward Lueck, 66, also known as “Rusty.” Lueck retired after 20 years with the Sheriff’s Office and neighbors say that is why they trusted him.

The mother of the 5-year-old girl learned that her daughter, over the course of approximately the last five months, was being subjected to unlawful sexual behavior at the hands of Lueck.

According to the mother, her daughter would sometimes visit Lueck at his residence next door.

The 5-year-old girl said that while she was inside his home, Lueck would on occasion force himself on her inside his bathroom.

Reports say that Lueck would touch the girl’s vagina with his tongue and sometimes he would digitally penetrate her as well.

The girl also stated that Lueck would force her to “suck his pee-pee” and said that his “juice” would come out, while she was seated in front of him on the bathroom toilet.

The victim and her mother were transported to be interviewed by Child Protection team Member, Lina Casper and Detective Deschamps.

The interview was audio and visually captured with the girl describing in detail to the unlawful actions perpetrated by Lueck inside his home on multiple occasions.

The girl told investigators that she was exposed to pornographic images on Lueck’s computer during some of her time inside his residence.

According to reports, after the interview was conducted the victim and her mother were transported so that the girl could be forensically examined by Dr. Bell in Deland. His report along with the sexual assault kit was entered into evidence and has yet to be released to the public.

Detectives then responded back to Lueck’s residence around 9 p.m., along with Officer Marcus Booth who was also present and placed Lueck under arrest without incident.

Lueck was informed of his charges by detectives and they asked Lueck’s permission for the removal of his computer from within his home for possible evidentiary purposes; Lueck advised detectives they could take his computer, which was later entered into evidence.

During Lueck’s first appearance the judge read his charges to him.

You’re here on the charge of Lewd and Lascivious Molestation by a Person over the Age of 18 on someone under the Age of 12,” said the judge.

The assistant state attorney recommended a bond for Lueck of $200,000, however the judge raised that to $250,000.

This is an ongoing investigation and Ocala Post will make updates accordingly.

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