The 34-year-old-victim, Daniel Tooker, heard a loud banging on his door by suspect, Holly Brooke Pomeroy, 22, who kept asking for her computer.
Tooker informed her to leave the residence immediately, but the banging continued and grew louder.
A second suspect, Anthony Marshall, 34, then kicked in the door shattering the frame and damaging the doorknob, at which time three suspects — Pomeroy, Marshall, and Brian Golden, 31 — gained entry into the residence. Marshall and Golden then assaulted the victim. Tooker attempted to deflect their blows and was able to place one of the assailants in a choke hold.
When deputies arrived, Pomeroy was standing outside of the residence while Marshall and Golden were still inside. Deputy Cameron witnessed Marshall kicking Tooker while he was lying on the floor.
The deputies noticed the broken doorframe, which contained a shoe impression and a large indentation in the drywall.
Marshall was standing over the victim and was immediately detained. Golden attempted to flee, but was caught in the backyard. When Deputy Schanding attempted to place Marshall under arrest, he turned and ran inside the residence. Deputy Schanding grabbed Marshall’s arm and a struggle ensued. Deputy Cameron then rushed inside and witnessed Marshall on top of Deputy Schanding, attempting to strike him. Marshall was handcuffed after Tooker and Deputy Cameron subdued him.
Pomeroy and Golden were both arrested without further incident.
Pomeroy claims that she did not enter the residence and was only there to retrieve her computer. Golden stated that his brother, Marshall, was the only one to enter the residence. Marshall declined to cooperate with deputies. All three suspects were intoxicated at the time of the home invasion.
Marshall was charged with Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer, Residential Burglary, Battery, and Resisting Arrest with Violence. Pomeroy and Golden were both charged with Residential Burglary.
Neither the victim nor the deputy sustained any serious injuries during the incident.
Marshall injured his lip and knees during the struggle with the deputies, and EMS was dispatched.
–By Nickolas Lubrick–